Our Company

Our focus is on the direct and efficient acquisition of multifamily properties to increase our growing multifamily portfolio.

We understand sellers who have experienced protracted and time-consuming negotiations requiring many months of hard work that end up in no sale.

Our focus at is to offer sellers a completely different and rewarding experience.

Our reputation as an authentic and fair-minded direct buyer is strongly entrenched and we take pride in the fact that our business model works as a win/win for the seller and the buyer.

Light House 3 Capital LLC team of real estate professionals are multi-family real estate specialists. We are seasoned experts in the multi-family property sector.

Our mission is to continue expanding our operations and growing our investment portfolio across the United States.

Our knowledge of the unique multi-family investment market and our unwavering dedication mean that we are well positioned for continued and accelerated nationwide growth.

Light House 3 Capital LLC

A rеаl еѕtаtе invеѕtment аnd рrореrtу mаnаgеmеnt соmраnу with a fосuѕ оn multifаmilу араrtmеntѕ


538 Prescott rd,


(610) 331-9173